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Sovrem Tekhnologii Med

From Bioblast
Journals in Bioblast
Journal title and website Sovremennye tehnologii v medicine (Modern Technologies in Medicine)


Astrakhanova 2018 Sovrem Tekhnologii MedAstrakhanova ะขะ, Urazov ะœD, Usenko ะV, Mitroshina ะ•V, Mishchenko ะขะ, Schelchkova Nะ, Vedunova ะœV (2018) BDNF-mediated regulation of the brain mitochondria functional state in hypoxia. Sovrem Tekhnologii Med 10:88-94.2018Open Access
Urazov 2018 Sovrem Tekhnologii MedUrazov MD, Astrakhanova TA, Usenko AV, Mishchenko TA, Schelchkova NA, Kravchenko GA, Vedunova MV, Mitroshina EV (2018) New aspects of central nervous system adaptation to prenatal hypoxia. Sovrem Tekhnologii Med 10:60-68.2018Open Access