Monteiro 2019 Thesis | Monteiro ARB (2019) Effects of resistance training on mitochondrial function and gene expression of UCP-3 in muscles of ovariectomized rats. Dissertation 82. | 2019 | Open Access |
Shum 2018 Thesis | Shum LC (2018) Mitochondrial metabolism in bone physiology and pathology. Dissertation p152. | 2018 | Open Access |
Tillmans 2018 Thesis | Tillmans F (2018) Effect of normobaric hypoxia on leukemic vell lines in vitro. Dissertation p92. | 2018 | Open Access |
Kappler 2018 Thesis | Kappler L (2018) Method development for valid high‐resolution profiling of mitochondria and Omics investigation of mitochondrial adaptions to excess energy intake and physical exercise. Dissertation p181. | 2018 | Open Access |
Felder 2018 Thesis | Felder AL (2018) Birthing the apocalypse: images of pregnancy and childbirth in first century apocalyptic literature. Dissertation p312. | 2018 | [ Open Access |
Da Silva 2017 Thesis | da Silva LA (2017) Efeito do tratamento com N-acetilcisteína sobre dinâmica mitocondrial em modelo animal de isquemia crônica de membros inferiores. Dissertation p54. | 2017 | Open Access |
Litt 2017 Thesis | Litt MJ (2017) Identification and characterization of a cardiomyopathy syndrome resulting from loss of the melanocortin 4 receptor. Dissertation p172. | 2017 | Open Access |
Yeh 2017 Thesis | Yeh A (2017) Modulation of mitochondrial function as an indicator for sublethal effects of contaminants of emerging concern. Dissertation p117. | 2017 | Open Access |
Thomas 2017 Thesis | Thomas NO (2017) Age-related decrease in resilience against acute redox cycling agents: critical role of declining GSH-dependent detoxification capacity. Dissertation p141. | 2017 | Open Access |
Canevarolo 2017 Thesis | Canevarolo RR (2017) Resistência ao metotrexato está diretamente associada à concentração de glutationa em linhagens de leucemia linfoide aguda. Dissertation p159. | 2017 | Open Access |
Braz-Mota 2017 Thesis | Braz Mota S (2017) Estudo comparativo da toxicidade e dos mecanismos de ação tóxica de nanopartículas de cobre e cobre em duas espécies de peixes da Amazônia: Apistogramma agassizii e Paracheirodon axelrodi. Dissertation p.78. | 2017 | Open Access |
Rodolphi 2017 Thesis | Rodolphi MS (2017) Efeitos da nandrolona e da ceftriaxona na homeostasia glutamatérgica: uma busca por mecanismos interativos entre astrócitos e neurônios envolvidos no comportamento agressivo. Dissertation p58. | 2017 | Open Access |
Favero 2017 Thesis | Favero BC (2017) Efeitos da leucina sobre a via da mTOR e da miostatina em cultura celular de miotúbulos. Dissertation p55. | 2017 | Open Access |
Gabriel 2017 Thesis | Gabriel C (2017) Avaliação da função mitocondrial em idosos institucionalizados com e sem Doença de Alzheimer. Dissertation p55. | 2017 | Open Access |
Wolff 2017 Thesis | Wolff C (2017) Impact of lipid metabolism on skeletal muscle mitochondrial function in type 2 diabetes mellitus patients. Dissertation p68. | 2017 | Open Access |
Lau 2017 Dissertation | Lau G (2017) Adaptive variation of mitochondrial function in response to oxygen variability in intertidal sculpins (Cottidae, Actinopterygii). Dissertation p148. | 2017 | Open Access |
Asseburg 2017 Thesis | Asseburg H (2017) Untersuchungen zur nutritiven Prävention der Neurodegeneration – Wirkungen von Trauben- und Olivenpolyphenolen auf die mitochondriale und kognitive Dysfunktion bei der Gehirnalterung und Alzheimer-Erkrankung. Dissertation p296. | 2017 | Open Access |
Schaefer 2017 Thesis | Schaefer P (2017) Metabolic imaging in Alzheimer´s disease using NADH autofluorescence. Dissertation p93. | 2017 | Open Acces |
Xhani 2017 Thesis | Xhani M (2017) Cellular redox homeostasis and environmental toxicity. Dissertation p110. | 2017 | Open Access |
Reich 2016 Thesis | Reich V (2016) Pathophysiologie und Verfahrensentwicklung: Mechanismen der Metabolisierung von Schwefelwasserstoff im mitochondrialen Atmungskreislauf von Lungenalveolarmakrophagen. Dissertation p91. | 2016 | Open Access |
Silva 2016 Thesis | Silva Luana Caroline Schüeler da (2016) Fucoxantina inibe a oxidação de LDL e ativação de macrófagos in vitro. PhD Thesis:93 pp. | 2016 | Open Access |
Bueno 2016 Thesis | Bueno e Silva MM (2016) Alterações mitocondriais e reprogramação metabólica em células de glioblastoma após tratamento com temozolomida. Dissertation p71. | 2016 | Open Access |
Fossbakk 2016 Dissertation | Fossbakk A (2016) Human tyrosine hydroxylase: Oxygen dependence and role in Dopa responsive dystonia. Dissertation p60. | 2016 | Open Access |
Du 2016 Thesis | Du X (2016) Anthropogenic pollution effects on mitochondrial energy metabolism, gene expression, and genotypes of natural Fundulus heteroclitus populations. Dissertation p175. | 2016 | Open Access |
Berschneider 2016 Thesis | Berschneider K (2016) Connecting the functions of the proteasome and mitochondria in the lung. Dissertation p161. | 2016 | Open Access |
McFarlane 2016 Thesis | McFarlane SV (2016) Temperature-dependent alterations of brown adipose tissue metabolism during hibernation in the thirteen-lined ground squirrel, Ictidomys tridecemlineatus. Dissertation p74. | 2016 | Open Access |
Cecatto 2016 Thesis | Cecatto C (2016) Efeitos de acidos graxos hidroxilados de cadeia longa acumulados nas deficiencias da 3-hidroxiacil CoA desidrogenase de cadeia longa e da proteina trifunctional mitocondrial sobre a homeostase energetica mitochondrial nos musculos cardiaco e esqueletico de ratos jovens. Dissertation p103. | 2016 | Open Access |
Van Hoose 2015 Thesis | Van Hoose P (2015) Co-treatment with conjugated linoleic acid and nitrite modulates mitochondrial respiration and electron transport chain activity in vivo and attenuates mitochondrial dysfunction during cardiac injury. Dissertations p128. | 2015 | Open Access PDF |
Bock 2015 Thesis | Bock UB (2015) Auswirkung von normobarer Hyperoxie auf die mitochondriale Atmung von Alveolarmakrophagen. Dissertation p80. | 2015 | Open Access |
Ziemer 2015 Dissertation | Ziemer M (2015) Untersuchungen zur Aktivität der mitochondrialen Permeabilitätstransitionspore in der Cyclophilin-D-Knock-out-Maus (Ppif-/-). Dissertation 1-72. | 2015 | Open Access |
Broeker 2014 Thesis | Broeker C (2014) Mitochondriopathien als Ursache des renalen Fanconi-Syndroms. Dissertation 85pp. | 2014 | Open Access |
Quoilin 2014 Dissertation | Quoilin C (2014) Les effets délétères métaboliques et oxydants induits lors d'un sepsis sur la fonction rénale. Dissertation 1-195. | 2014 | open access |
Monteiro 2013 Thesis | Monteiro Siqueira C (2013) Avaliação de medicamentos homeopáticos para gripe humana por ensaios in vitro, pré-clínico e clínico. Dissertation p152. | 2013 | Open Access |