Gnaiger 2022 Abstract Bioblast-eds

From Bioblast

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Gnaiger Erich, Cardoso Luiza HD, Tindle-Solomon Lisa, Cocco Paolo (2022)
Bioblast 2022: BEC Inaugural Conference. In:

Link: Bioblast 2022: BEC Inaugural Conference

Gnaiger Erich, Cardoso Luiza HD, Tindle-Solomon Lisa, Cocco Paolo (2022)

Event: Bioblast 2022

Bioblast 2022 is a follow-up of Bioblast 2012 [1] and the first life conference linked to the journal Bioenergetics Communications [2]. It can be seen in the line of MiPconferences of the Mitochondrial Physiology Society [3], which was founded at the 3rd MiPconference in 2003 [4]. The last one took place in 2019 in Belgrade, RS within the COST Action MitoEAGLE [5]. The MitoEAGLE Summit was prevented from happening by the pandemic lockdown. Instead, the MitoEAGLE Consortium of 666 coauthors completed the first publication in Bioenergetics Communications [6]. In the tradition of Bioblast and MiP [1,7], Bioblast 2022 is presented with the beauty of Odra Noel's MiPArt and is honored by her presence at the conference. We celebrate 30 years Oroboros Instruments. As a follow-up of the MitoEAGLE project [8], the MiPsociety and the Oroboros Ecosystem are the drivers of Bioenergetics Communications.

The endosymbiotic theories link the mitochondria and plastids to their free-living ancestors. Together, these are the bioblasts in spotlight of bioenergetics. Bioblasts and interactions with their hosts are the topics of Bioenergetics Communications, inaugurating the concept of Living Communications.

  1. Gnaiger E, Meissner B, Laner V, eds (2012) Bioblast 2012: Mitochondrial Competence.
  2. Bioenergetics Communications BEC -
  3. Mitochondrial Physiology Society -
  4. Gnaiger E, Renner K, eds (2003) 3rd Conference on Mitochondrial Physiology. SchrΓΆcken, Austria, Sept 2003.
  5. Lalic Nebojsa, Krako Jakovljevic Nina (2019) 14th Conference on Mitochondrial Physiology: Mitochondrial function: changes during life cycle and in noncommunicable diseases - COST MitoEAGLE perspectives and MitoEAGLE WG and MC Meeting.
  6. Gnaiger E et al ― MitoEAGLE Task Group (2020) Mitochondrial physiology.
  7. Gnaiger E (2010) Seven years Mitochondrial Physiology Society and a welcome to MiP2010: Bioblasts – the aliens with permanent residence in our cells. -
  8. COST Action CA15203 (2016-2021): MitoEAGLE -

β€’ Bioblast editor: Gnaiger E β€’ O2k-Network Lab: AT Innsbruck Oroboros


Gnaiger E, Cardoso LHD, Tindle-Solomon L, Cocco P
Oroboros Instruments GmbH, Innsbruck, Austria - [email protected]

List of abbreviations, terms and definitions - MitoPedia

Β» MitoPedia: Terms and abbreviations


Event: A1  Bioblasts 

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