MiPNet22.01 IOC122 Schroecken AT

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MiPNet22.01 IOC122 Schroecken AT

Publications in the MiPMap

Schroecken AT, 2017 Jun 26-Jul 01 Oroboros O2k-Workshop on high-resolution respirometry (HRR), IOC122.

» Bioblast pdf

Oroborosh (2017-06-26) Mitochondr Physiol Network



Oroboros O2k-Workshop on High-resolution respirometry (HRR). Schroecken, Austria; 2017 June.

O2k-Network Lab: AT_Innsbruck_Oroboros

IOC122 8.JPG

General information

This O2k-Workshop provides a detailed and practical introduction to the O2k and the O2k-FluoRespirometer, with data analysis by DatLab 7 and applications of the TIP2k. Hands-on experiments illustrate the principle and show the unique advantages and limitations of simultaneous monitoring of oxygen concentration, respiration, hydrogen peroxide production or mt-membrane potential.

:::: Early stage researchers (ESR´s) during their Marie Skłodowska-Curie - TRACT project will be trained at the O2k-Workshop on high-resolution respirometry.

» Information on travel and venue: IOC Schroecken.


20 feedback forms returned
Question Rating (average)
In how far were your interests covered in the workshop? Please rate from 1 (not covered) to 5 (all interests covered). 4.06
Balance between practical “hands-on” work and “theoretical” explanations: Please rate from 1 (too much “hands-on”) to 5 (too much theory). 3.19
Presentation of lectures: Please rate from 1 (not understandable) to 5 (very understandable). a. in terms of content: 3.72
Presentation of lectures: Please rate from 1 (not understandable) to 5 (very understandable). b. in terms of language: 4.44
Level of tutoring during the “hands-on” work: Please rate from 1 (not enough tutoring, I felt left alone) to 5 (too much tutoring, I would have liked to work more independently). 3.11
Quality of tutoring: Please rate from 1 (poor) to 5 (excellent). 4.58
Intensity of the O2k-Course: Please rate from 1 (I would have liked to do and hear more) to 5 (I felt overwhelmed). 3.00
Your overall rating of the course? Please rate from 1 (poor) to 5 (excellent). 4.64
  • Thank you so much for the O2k workshop. I really enjoyed myself, learnt a lot, and met some amazing people. James Smith, Inst South Africa Newlands ESSM UCT, Dept Human Biology Sports Science, Univ Cape Town (ZA)

Team and guest tutors

List of participants

Participant Institution
Norwahidah Abdul Karim
Abdul Karim Norwahidah MY Kuala Lumpur Abdul Karim N: National University of Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur (MY)
Corbet Cyril BE Brussels Feron O: University of Louvain, Brussels (BE)
Deane Colleen UK Exeter Blackwell JR: University of Exeter (UK)
Dibdiakova Katarina SK Martin Kolisek M: Comenius University in Bratislava, Martin (SK)
Dolezelova Eva CZ Ceske Budejovice Zikova A: Biology Center, Ceske Budejovice (CZ)
Flis Ewelina IE Dublin Porter RK: Trinity College Dublin (IE)
Magda Ghanim
Ghanim Magda IE Dublin Porter RK: Trinity College Dublin (IE)
Goudie Luke CA Calgary Shearer J: University of Calgary (CA)
Han Woo Hyun CA Edmonton Lemieux H: University of Alberta, Edmonton (CA)
Hinojosa Nogueira Daniel Jose ES Granada Agil A: University of Granada, Granada (ES)
Jönsson Sofia SE Uppsala Liss P: Uppsala University (SE)
Marilena Karavyraki
Karavyraki Marilena IE Dublin Porter RK: Trinity College Dublin (IE)
Lerfall Joergen NO Trondheim Barstad T: Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim (NO)
Lopes de Carvalho Carla SE Uppsala Liss P: Uppsala University (SE)
Stefania Magnano
Magnano Stefania IE Dublin Porter RK: Trinity College Dublin (IE)
Kazutaka Mukai
Mukai Kazutaka JP Shimotsuke Mukai K: Japan Racing Association, Shimotsuke (JP)
Sean Newsom
Newsom Sean US OR Corvallis Robinson MM: Oregon State University, Corvallis (US)
O'Brien Katie UK Cambridge Murray AJ: University of Cambridge (UK)
Robinson Matthew US OR Corvallis Robinson MM: Oregon State University, Corvallis (US)
Slowik Ewa DE Homburg von der Malsburg K: Saarland University, Homburg (DE)
Skolik Robert US KY Louisville Menze MA: University of Louisville (US)
Smith Jamie ZA Cape Town Smith J: University of Cape Town (ZA)
Tatarkova Zuzana SK Martin Kolisek M: Comenius University in Bratislava, Martin (SK)
Laura Truu
Truu Laura EE Tallinn Kaambre T: National Institute of Chemical Physics and Biophysics, Tallinn (EE)
Wack Gesine Goethe University Frankfurt (DE)
Fazaine Zakaria
Zakaria Fazaine MY Kuala Lumpur Abdul Karim N: National University of Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur (MY)


Bioblast pdf

O2k perspectives - abstracts

Abstracts for the O2k perspectives evenings provide participants an opportunity to present and discuss their work, including projects in progress, methodological details and conceptual perspectives.
Abstract deadline: May 29, 2017
» Abstract guidelines
 Has title
Truu 2017 Abstract IOC122Bioenergetics of colorectal cancer.
Dolezelova 2017 Abstract IOC122Mitochondrion remodeling during T.b.brucei developmental differentiation.
Ghanim 2017 Abstract IOC122HAMLET derivatives as a pre-operative therapy in oesophageal cancer.
Goudie 2017 Abstract IOC122Inhibition of mitochondrial fission as a novel treatment for IBD.
Han 2017 Abstract IOC122Retinal mitochondria respiration defects precede hyperglycemia onset in type 2 diabetes.
O'Brien 2017 Abstract IOC122PPARα independent effects of nitrate supplementation on skeletal muscle mitochondrial function in hypoxia.
Karavyraki 2017 Abstract IOC122Mitochondrial function and morphology linked to metabolic differences in normal, dysplastic and cancerous oral cells.
Skolik 2017 Abstract IOC122What can we learn from different sugars as substrates for cancer cells?
... further results

Impressions from the IOC122

DatLab Files and DL Analysis Templates


[email protected]

Oroboros Instruments
high-resolution respirometry
Schöpfstrasse 18
A-6020 Innsbruck, Austria
Tel: +43 512 566796
Fax: +43 512 566796 20
Mitochondria and cell research


Contribution to K-Regio project MitoFit, funded by the Land Tirol within the program K-Regio of Standortagentur Tirol.
Sponsors.png TRACT

IOC recommended reading

» IOC recommended reading
» MitoPedia: Respiratory states

O2k-Workshops are listed as MitoGlobal Events.'


ORO, IOC, MitoFit, TRACT, 2017 

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