Leo 2018 Conserv Physiol
Leo E, Dahlke FT, Storch D, Poertner HO, Mark FC (2018) Impact of Ocean Acidification and Warming on the bioenergetics of developing eggs of Atlantic herring Clupea harengus. Conserv Physiol 6:coy050. |
Leo Elettra, Dahlke Flemming T, Storch Daniela, Poertner Hans-Otto, Mark Felix C (2018) Conserv Physiol
Abstract: Atlantic herring (Clupea harengus) is a benthic spawner, therefore its eggs are prone to encounter different water conditions during embryonic development, with bottom waters often depleted of oxygen and enriched in CO2. Some Atlantic herring spawning grounds are predicted to be highly affected by ongoing Ocean Acidification and Warming with water temperature increasing by up to +3Β°C and CO2 levels reaching ca. 1000 ΞΌatm (RCP 8.5). Although many studies investigated the effects of high levels of CO2 on the embryonic development of Atlantic herring, little is known about the combination of temperature and ecologically relevant levels of CO2. In this study, we investigated the effects of Ocean Acidification and Warming on embryonic metabolic and developmental performance such as mitochondrial function, respiration, hatching success (HS) and growth in Atlantic herring from the Oslo Fjord, one of the spawning grounds predicted to be greatly affected by climate change. Fertilized eggs were incubated under combinations of two PCO2 conditions (400 ΞΌatm and 1100 ΞΌatm) and three temperatures (6, 10 and 14Β°C), which correspond to current and end-of-the-century conditions. We analysed HS, oxygen consumption (MO2) and mitochondrial function of embryos as well as larval length at hatch. The capacity of the electron transport system (ETS) increased with temperature, reaching a plateau at 14Β°C, where the contribution of Complex I to the ETS declined in favour of Complex II. This relative shift was coupled with a dramatic increase in MO2 at 14Β°C. HS was high under ambient spawning conditions (6-10Β°C), but decreased at 14Β°C and hatched larvae at this temperature were smaller. Elevated PCO2 increased larval malformations, indicating sub-lethal effects. These results indicate that energetic limitations due to thermally affected mitochondria and higher energy demand for maintenance occur at the expense of embryonic development and growth. β’ Keywords: Atlantic herring, Ocean Acidification, Ocean Warming, Embryonic development, Mitochondrial capacity, Respiration β’ Bioblast editor: Krumschnabel G β’ O2k-Network Lab: DE Bremerhaven Mark FC
Labels: MiParea: Respiration, Comparative MiP;environmental MiP
Stress:Temperature Organism: Fishes
Preparation: Homogenate
Coupling state: ET
Pathway: N, S
HRR: Oxygraph-2k