Oroboros Instruments

From Bioblast


Oroboros Instruments

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Oroboros FluoRespirometer

O2k-Top 10

Top 10 reasons for the Oroboros Ecosystem β†’ innovation β†’ dissemination β†’ mitochondrial services β†’ networking                    

O2k-Specifications Advance bioenergetics to mitochondrial and cell physiology with the award-winning Oroboros O2k

Power-O2k Long-term experience in high-resolution respirometry, HRR: >1,100 O2k sold

O2k-Workshops Meet the experts at the outstanding O2k-Workshops on HRR

O2k-Publications in the MiPMap Browse through 4814 O2k-Publications

O2k-Network Join the world-wide O2k-Network

O2k-Catalogue The O2k-technology represents innovation, optimization, and continuous development

O2k-purchase Fair prices - low running costs

Oroboros support Quality instead of empty advertisements

Gentle Science Gentle Science - cooperation and corporate social responsibility

Quality management Quality management and committment to reproducibility with the O2k


Oroboros and Ouroboros

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  • Singular: Oroboros; plural: Ouroboroi.
Β» Mitochondr Physiol Network
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