Piericidin C25H37NO4 is an antibiotic (isolated from Streptomyces mobaraensis) showing similarity with ubiquinone structure which has a potent and competitive inhibitory effect of CI (it competes with endogenous and partially with exogenous Q for binding sites). CI inhibitors have been divided (1) depending of the site of action (functional classification): quinone antagonists (e.g. piericidin A, first site), semiquinone antagonists (piericidin A, second site; piericidin B; rotenone and quinol antagonists (myxothiazol; stigmatellin), and (2) depending on their effect on ROS production: inducing ROS production (e.g. rotenone, piericidin A, Rolliniastatin-1 and -2) and preventing ROS production (e.g. stigmatellin, capsaicin, mucidin and coenzyme Q2). In plants, pieridicin A inhibits photosystem II.
Reference: Jeng 1968 Biochemistry, Degli 1998 Biochim Biophys Acta, Fato 2009 Biochim Biophys Acta
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