Siewiera 2016 Life Sci

From Bioblast
Publications in the MiPMap
Siewiera K, Kassassir H, Talar M, Wieteska L, Watala C (2016) Higher mitochondrial potential and elevated mitochondrial respiration are associated with excessive activation of blood platelets in diabetic rats. Life Sci 148:293-304.

Β» PMID: 26872978

Siewiera K, Kassassir H, Talar M, Wieteska L, Watala C (2016) Life Sci

Abstract: The high glucose concentration observed in diabetic patients is a recognized factor of mitochondrial damage in various cell types. Its impact on mitochondrial bioenergetics in blood platelets remains largely vague. The aim of the study was to determine how the metabolism of carbohydrates, which has been impaired by streptozotocin-induced diabetes may affect the functioning of platelet mitochondria.

Diabetes was induced in Sprague Dawley rats by intraperitoneal injection of streptozotocin. Platelet mitochondrial respiratory capacity was monitored as oxygen consumption (high-resolution respirometry). Mitochondrial membrane potential was assessed using a fluorescent probe, JC-1. Activation of circulating platelets was monitored by flow cytometry measuring of the expression of CD61 and CD62P on a blood platelet surface. To determine mitochondrial protein density in platelets, Western Blot technique was used.

The results indicate significantly elevated mitochondria mass, increased mitochondrial membrane potential (ΔΨm) and enhanced respiration in STZ-diabetic animals, although the respiration control ratios appear to remain unchanged. Higher ΔΨm and elevated mitochondrial respiration were closely related to the excessive activation of circulating platelets in diabetic animals.

Long-term diabetes can result in increased mitochondrial mass and may lead to hyperpolarization of blood platelet mitochondrial membrane. These alterations may be a potential underlying cause of abnormal platelet functioning in diabetes mellitus and hence, a potential target for antiplatelet therapies in diabetes. β€’ Keywords: Blood platelets, Diabetes mellitus, Mitochondrial membrane potential, Mitochondrial respiration, Platelet activation and reactivity

β€’ O2k-Network Lab: PL Lodz Watala C

Labels: MiParea: Respiration  Pathology: Diabetes 

Organism: Rat  Tissue;cell: Blood cells, Platelet  Preparation: Intact cells  Enzyme: Complex IV;cytochrome c oxidase  Regulation: Substrate  Coupling state: LEAK, ROUTINE, ET  Pathway: ROX  HRR: Oxygraph-2k 

2016-03, MitoFit 2021 PLT 

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