Neururer 2016 Abstract Mito Xmas Meeting Innsbruck
A project to develop a standardized minimum dataset to describe mitochondrial data. |
Neururer SB, Gnaiger E, Laner V, Goebel G (2016)
Event: Mito Xmas Meeting 2016 Innsbruck AT
Mitochondrial research strongly relies on high quality data. A novel project aims to develop a concept for a minimum data set to describe and exchange mitochondrial data between research groups. The development is based on the MIABIS (Minimum Information About BIobank data Sharing) [1] standard, which was created for sharing meta data referring to biobanks and biomaterial collections. Within the framework of this project, we evaluate, which basic data is needed to describe mitochondrial meta information and if MIABIS could be reused for this purpose. The project consists of five steps: During Step 1 relevant free-text mitochondrial information is analyzed following and extending the definition analysis approach described by Neururer et al. [2]. In Step 2 a typological analysis [2] is carried out in order to identify the relevant data fields. These data fields are mapped to the concepts offered by MIABIS during Step 3. This step shows, to which extent the MIABIS standard can be reused and extended for this project. The concept for a novel mitochondrial data model is developed and described in Step 4. A detailed and expert-based evaluation of this concept is the main objective of Step 5. The project combines different approaches from interdisciplinary fields of research (e.g. computer science, social sciences) and contributes to the current state of the art of mitochondrial knowledge management to enhance mitochondrial research networking.
Event: Poster
- Neururer SB(1), Gnaiger E(2,3), Laner V(3), GΓΆbel G(1)
- Dept Medical Statistics, Informatics Health Economics, Medical Univ Innsbruck, Austria
- Dept Visceral, Transplant Thoracic Surgery, D. Swarovski Research Lab, Medical Univ Innsbruck, Austria
- Oroboros Instruments, Innsbruck, Austria
- Norlin L, Fransson MN, Eriksson M, Merino-Martinez R, Anderberg M, Kurtovic S, Litton JE (2012) A minimum data set for sharing biobank samples, information, and data: MIABIS. Biopreserv Biobank, 10:343β8.
- Neururer SB, Lasierra N2, Peiffer KP3, Fensel D (2016) Formalizing the Austrian, Procedure Catalogue: A 4-step methodological analysis approach. J Biomed Inform 60:1β13.