PhD Thesis

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Journals in Bioblast
Journal title and website PhD Thesis


Branco Haas 2021 ThesisBranco Haas C (2021) Insulin signaling and microglia in the young and aged brain. PhD Thesis 135.2021Open Access
Woessner 2020 ThesisWoessner MN (2020) BEET-HF: The effects of dietary inorganic nitrate supplementation on aerobic exercise performance, vascular function, cardiac performance and mitochondrial respiration in patients with heart failure with reduced ejection fraction. PhD Thesis 198.2020Open Access
Messner 2020 ThesisMessner M (2020) Sorafenib resistance of hepatocellular carcinoma. PhD Thesis 130.2020PDF
Magnesa 2020 ThesisMagnesa B (2020) Skeletal muscle mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation plasticity in two studies on humans: exercise training effect in obese subjects and bed rest effect in healthy subjects. PhD Thesis 81.2020PDF
Marrocco 2020 ThesisMarrocco A (2020) Alterations of CCSP expression and macrophages metabolism in the development of silica-induced pulmonary inflammation and fibrosis. PhD Thesis 108.2020Open Access
Kapser-Fischer 2020 ThesisKapser-Fischer IP (2020) Dietary interventions in C57BL/6 mice and their interplay with selected metabolic and genetic parameters. PhD Thesis 120.2020PDF
Keppner 2020 ThesisKeppner G (2020) Impact of gut microbiota composition, liver metabolism and respiratory capacity of peripheral blood mononuclear cells on resting metabolic rate. PhD Thesis 100.2020PDF
Allen 2020 ThesisAllen FM (2020) Mitochondrial metabolism elucidated by rapid fractionation from tissue. PhD Thesis 298.2020Open Access
Ponce 2019 ThesisPonce JM (2019) Investigating the roles of cyclin C in the mammalian heart. PhD Thesis 137.2019Open Access
Cesnekova 2019 ThesisCesnekova J (2019) Functional characterization of LACE1 APTase and mitochondrial AAA proteases YME1L and AFG3L2 in mitochondrial protein homeostasis. PhD Thesis 133.2019Open Access
Trefts 2019 ThesisTrefts E (2019) Integrin linked kinase is critical for hepatic cellular organization, metabolism, and glucoregulation. PhD Thesis 164.2019Open Access
Holsgrove 2019 ThesisHolsgrove A (2019) The effect of temperature on cardiac energetics in the rainbow trout, Onchorhynchus mykiss. Phd Thesis 166.2019Open Access
Mueller 2019 ThesisMüller T (2019) Role of MICOS for mitochondrial morphology and function. PhD Thesis 77.2019Open Access
Frawley 2019 ThesisFrawley KL (2019) Methods for assessing cytochrome c oxidase inhibitors and potential antidotes. PhD Thesis 194.2019Open Access
Repp 2019 ThesisRepp BM (2019) Identification and verification of novel disease-causing genes and therapy options for patients with mitochondrial disorders – Focus on ACAD9. PhD Thesis 178.2019Open Access
Campos 2019 ThesisCampos DF (2019) Os peixes amazônicos vivem perto dos seus limites térmicos? O efeito das mudanças climáticas sobre a ecofisiologia de peixes de Igarapé da Amazônia Central. PhD Thesis 106.2019Open Access
Kauppila 2018 ThesisKauppila JHK (2018) Generating mammalian mitochondrial disease models with mitochondrial DNA mutations. PhD Thesis p120.2018Open Access
Cardinale 2018 ThesisCardinale DA (2018) The significance of mitochondrial respiratory function in regulating oxygen uptake and performance in humans. PhD Thesis 99.2018Open Access
Papadimitriou 2018 ThesisPapadimitriou ID (2018) The influence of ACTN3 R577X genotype on performance and muscle adaptations to a single bout of exercise . PhD Thesis 125.2018Open Access
Apostolopoulou 2018 ThesisApostolopoulou M (2018) Determinants of insulin sensitivity in obesity and recent-onset type 2 diabetes mellitus. PhD Thesis 77.2018Open Access
Efimova 2018 ThesisEfimova I (2018) Structural composition and functional properties of mitochondrial FoF1 ATP synthase on models of specific subunits deficiencies. PhD Thesis 94.2018Open Access
Gratl 2018 ThesisGratl A (2018) High-resolution respirometry for measurement of mitochondrial function in PAD patients before and after revascularisation. PhD Thesis 69.2018Open Access
Miotto 2018 ThesisMiotto PM (2018) The influence of exercise and high fat feeding on the regulation of mitochondrial substrate sensitivity in skeletal muscle. PhD Thesis p185.2018Open Access
Kovalcikova 2018 ThesisKovalčíková J (2018) Functional characterisation of new components of mitochondrial proteome. PhD Thesis p104.2018Open Access
Cunatova 2018 ThesisČunátová K (2018) The role of tissue specific isoforms of subunit 4 in assembly and function of cytochrome c oxidase. PhD Thesis p107.2018Open Access
Boudoures 2017 ThesisBoudoures AL (2017) Mitochondrial damage accumulation in oocytes – a potential link between maternal obesity and increased cardiometabolic disease risk in offspring. PhD Thesis p179.2017Open Access
Nemeth 2017 ThesisNémeth B (2017) The effect of itaconic acid on mitochondrial substrate-level phosphorylation. PhD Thesis p84.2017Open Access
Wetzel 2017 ThesisWetzel MD (2017) Mechanism of metformin action in dermal fibroblasts. PhD Thesis 125.2017Open Access
De Souza 2017 Thesisde Souza LF (2017) Modulação redox de peroxirredoxinas e a participação dos sistemas da GSH e da Trx na proteção/função celular. Tese (doutorado) p103.2017Open Access
Sobotka 2017 ThesisSobotka O (2017) Pharmacological and metabolic influence on liver mitochondrial functions. PhD Thesis p127.2017Open Access
Buso 2017 ThesisBuso A (2017) Mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation plasticity/adaptation triggered by disturbances and stresses and targeted by therapies. PhD Thesis p110.2017Open Access
Sundstroem 2015 PhD ThesisSundstrøm T (2015) Experimental modeling and novel therapeutic strategies in melanoma brain metastasis. PhD Thesis 1-146.2015Open access
Moore 2015 PhD ThesisMoore D (2015) Biostabilization of lipid bilayers: dealing with water stress in embryos of Artemia franciscana. PhD Thesis 1-111.2015Open Access
Assmann 2014 PhD ThesisAssmann N (2015) Impact of Fanconi-associated protein on the mitochonrial proteome. PhD Thesis 1-111.2015PDF
Maiti 2015 PhD ThesisMaiti P (2015) The role of caseinolytic mitochondrial matrix peptidase proteolytic subunit (CLPP) in regulation of mitochondrial ribosome biogenesis in mammals. PhD Thesis 1-120.2015PDF
Suarez 2015 PhD ThesisSuárez Cunza S (2015) Actividad captadora de Radicales libres y Effecto antioxidante de Metabolitos secundarios del extracto acuoso des "Allium sativum" var. Huaralino (Ajo) en Modelos in vitro. PhD Thesis 1-39.2015Open access
Laudien 2015 PhD ThesisLaudien J (2015) Biologische Verträglichkeit künstlicher Sauerstoffträger auf Perfluorcarbon-Basis. PhD Thesis 1-137.2015PDF
Davoudi 2014 PhD ThesisDavoudi M (2014) Effect of experimental complex III deficiency on respiratory chain assembly and function. PhD Thesis 1-65.2014
Van Bree 2014 PhD Thesisvan Bree B (2014) Mitochondria, lipotoxicity and skeletal muscle metabolism: implications for type 2 diabetes mellitus. PhD Thesis 1-150.2014Open Access
Hirzel 2014 PhD ThesisHirzel E (2014) Characterization of human bone marrow derived mesenchymal stem cells as a model for in vitro adipocytes studies. PhD Thesis 1-106.2014Open Access
Koenemann 2014 DissertationKoenemann B (2014) Einfluss der Hyperglykämie auf die mitochondriale Atmung von Leberzellen septischer Mäuse mit und ohne Imeglimin. PhD Thesis 1-61.2014PDF
Iglesias-Gonzalez 2014 PhD ThesisIglesias-Gonzalez J (2014) Neurotoxicity induced by oxidative stress and aluminium in relation to Parkinson’s disease: a mitochondrial bioenergetic approach by high-resolution respirometry. PhD Thesis 1-242.2014
Hunter 2014 PhD ThesisHunter FW (2014) Old target; new paradigm: Determinants of sensitivity to hypoxia-directed anticancer prodrugs. PhD Thesis:1-353.2014PDF
Mayeur 2013 PhD ThesisMayeur S (2013) Retard de croissance intra-utérin et vulnérabilité au syndrome métabolique: recherche de marqueurs placentaires dans un modèle de dénutrition maternelle prénatale et chez l'Homme. PhD Thesis 1-225.2013PDF
Jose 2012 ThesisJose C (2012) Rôle des mitochondries dans la tumorigénèse: implications pour le traitement du cancer. PhD Thesis 272.2012Open Access
Fornuskova 2010 ThesisFornůsková D (2010) Biochemical and molecular studies of cytochrome c oxidase and ATP synthase deficiencies. PhD Thesis p93.2010Open Access
Kwon 2009 ThesisKwon OS (2009) Effect of acute exercise or fasting on mitochondrial function and high fat diet-induced insulin resistance. PhD Thesis 46.2009Open Access
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