MiPNet18.04 IOC76

From Bioblast


MiPNet18.04 IOC76

Publications in the MiPMap

Prague CZ, 2013 May 28-29. Oroboros O2k-Workshop on high-resolution respirometry (HRR) and O2k-Fluorometry, IOC76. O2k-Network Lab Β»CZ Prague Kalous M.

Β» Bioblast pdf

Oroboros (2013-05-28) Mitochondr Physiol Network



O2k-Workshop on High-Resolution Respirometry. Prague, Czech Republic; 2013 May 28 to 29

β€’ O2k-Network Lab: CZ Prague Kalous M, CZ Prague Houstek J, CZ Hradec Kralove Cervinkova Z, CZ_Prague_Fisar Z, CZ_Prague_Jezek P, CZ_Prague_Pichova A, AT_Innsbruck_Oroboros, AT Innsbruck MitoCom


HRR: Oxygraph-2k 

ORO, IOC, 2013, O2k-Network 

Dr. Zdenek Drahota received from his team in Prague an Oroboros cake at his 80th birthday


  • Faculty of Sciences, Charles University Prague, Czech Republic


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Local Organizers and Contact

O2k-Workshops are listed as MitoGlobal Events.

This workshop is a component of the K-Regio project MitoCom.

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