From Bioblast
CH Zurich Lundby C
O2k-Network Lab | Center for Integrative Human Physiology (ZIHP)
University of Zurich Institute of Physiology Power-O2k Network Cluster: CH Zurich University of Zurich Physiology |
Address | Room 23H 6
Winterthurerstr. 190, 8057 |
City | Zurich |
State/Prov | |
Country | Switzerland |
Weblink | |
Contact | |
Team | |
Team previous | Gehrig Saskia, Jacobs Robert, Lundby Carsten, Lundby Stine, Rasmussen Peter, Siebenmann Christoph |
Status | 4 Power-O2k 2009-2017; present: DK Copenhagen Lundby C |
Oroboros Events | IOC95, MiP2013, IOC75, Bioblast 2012, IOC72, AltitudeOmics 2012, IOC65, IOC60, IOC56, IOC55, HypoxiaNet |
Topics |
Published | Reference | |
Robach 2018 Scand J Med Sci Sports | 2018 | Robach P, Hansen J, Pichon A, Meinild Lundby AK, Dandanell S, Slettaløkken Falch G, Hammarström D, Pesta DH, Siebenmann C, Keiser S, Kérivel P, Whist JE, Rønnestad BR, Lundby C (2018) Hypobaric live high-train low does not improve aerobic performance more than live low-train low in cross-country skiers. Scand J Med Sci Sports 28:1636-52. |
Mueller 2017 Orphanet J Rare Dis | 2017 | Mueller SM, Gehrig SM, Petersen JA, Frese S, Mihaylova V, Ligon-Auer M, Khmara N, Nuoffer JM, Schaller A, Lundby C, Toigo M, Jung HH (2017) Effects of endurance training on skeletal muscle mitochondrial function in Huntington disease patients. Orphanet J Rare Dis 12:184. |
Gehrig 2016 Orphanet J Rare Dis | 2016 | Gehrig SM, Mihaylova V, Frese S, Mueller SM, Ligon-Auer M, Spengler CM, Petersen JA, Lundby C, Jung HH (2016) Altered skeletal muscle (mitochondrial) properties in patients with mitochondrial DNA single deletion myopath. Orphanet J Rare Dis 11:105. |
Schoenenberger 2016 Cancer Res | 2016 | Schönenberger D, Harlander S, Rajski M, Jacobs RA, Lundby AK, Adlesic M, Hejhal T, Wild PJ, Lundby C, Frew IJ (2016) Formation of renal cysts and tumors in Vhl/Trp53-deficient mice requires HIF1α and HIF2α. Cancer Res 76:2025-36. |
Christensen 2016 J Appl Physiol (1985) | 2016 | Christensen PM, Jacobs RA, Bonne T, Flück D, Bangsbo J, Lundby C (2016) A short period of high-intensity interval training improves skeletal muscle mitochondrial function and pulmonary oxygen uptake kinetics. J Appl Physiol (1985) 120:1319-27. |
Jacobs 2016 J Physiol | 2016 | Jacobs RA, Lundby AM, Fenk S, Gehrig S, Siebenmann C, Flück D, Kirk N, Hilty MP, Lundby C (2016) Twenty-eight days of exposure to 3,454 m increases mitochondrial volume density in human skeletal muscle. J Physiol 594:1151-66. |
Montero 2015 J Physiol | 2015 | Montero D, Cathomen A, Jacobs RA, Flück D, de Leur J, Keiser S, Bonne T, Kirk N, Lundby AK, Lundby C (2015) Haematological rather than skeletal muscle adaptations contribute to the increase in peak oxygen uptake induced by moderate endurance training. J Physiol 593:4677-88. |
Robach 2014 Med Sci Sports Exerc | 2014 | Robach P, Bonne T, Flück D, Bürgi S, Toigo M, Jacobs R, Lundby C (2014) Hypoxic training: effect on mitochondrial function and aerobic performance in hypoxia. Med Sci Sports Exerc 46:1936-45. |
Jacobs 2013 J Appl Physiol | 2013 | Jacobs R, Flück D, Bonne TC, Bürgi S, Christensen PM, Toigo M, Lundby C (2013) Improvements in exercise performance 1 with high-intensity interval training 2 coincide with an increase in skeletal muscle mitochondrial content and function. J Appl Physiol 115:785-93. |
Jacobs 2013 Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab | 2013 | Jacobs R, Meinild AK, Nordsborg NB, Lundby C (2013) Lactate oxidation in human skeletal muscle mitochondria. Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab 304:686-94. |
Jacobs 2013 J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci | 2013 | Jacobs R, Diaz V, Soldini L, Haider T, Thomassen M, Nordsborg NB, Gassmann M, Lundby C (2013) Fast-twitch glycolytic skeletal muscle is predisposed to age-induced impairments in mitochondrial function. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci 68:1010-22. |
Jacobs 2013 Exp Physiol | 2013 | Jacobs R, Boushel RC, Wright-Paradis C, Calbet JA, Robach P, Gnaiger E, Lundby C (2013) Mitochondrial function in human skeletal muscle following high altitude exposure. Exp Physiol 98:245-55. |
Jacobs 2013b Exp Physiol | 2012 | Jacobs R, Díaz V, Meinild AK, Gassmann M, Lundby C (2012) The C57Bl/6 mouse serves as a suitable model of human skeletal muscle mitochondrial function. Exp Physiol 98:908-21. |
Jacobs 2012 J Appl Physiol | 2012 | Jacobs R, Lundby C (2012) Mitochondria express enhanced quality as well as quantity in association with aerobic fitness across recreationally active individuals up to elite athletes. J Appl Physiol 114:344-50. |
Jacobs 2012 FASEB J | 2012 | Jacobs R, Siebenmann C, Hug M, Toigo M, Meinild AK, Lundby C (2012) Twenty-eight days at 3454-m altitude diminishes respiratory capacity but enhances efficiency in human skeletal muscle mitochondria. FASEB J 90:5192-200. |
Zobi 2012 Dalton Trans | 2012 | Zobi F, Blacque O, Jacobs RA, Schaub MC, Bogdanova AY (2012) 17 e- rhenium dicarbonyl CO-releasing molecules on a cobalamin scaffold for biological application. Dalton Trans 41:370-8. |
Robach 2012 Br J Sports Med | 2012 | Robach P, Siebenmann C, Jacobs R, Rasmussen P, Nordsborg N, Pesta D, Gnaiger E, Diaz V, Christ A, Fiedler J, Crivelli N, Secher NH, Pichon A, Maggiorini M, Lundby C (2012) The role of haemoglobin mass on VO2max following normobaric live high-train low in endurance-trained athletes. Br J Sports Med Jul 12. 46:822-7. |
Jacobs 2011 J Appl Physiol | 2011 | Jacobs R, Rasmussen P, Siebenmann C, Díaz V, Pesta D, Gnaiger E, Nordsborg NB, Robach P, Lundby C (2011) Determinants of time trial performance and maximal incremental exercise in highly trained endurance athletes. J Appl Physiol 111:1422–30. |
Published | Reference | |
Garcia-Souza 2017 MiP2017 | 2017 | Short-term acclimatization to moderate altitude does not affect respiration of peripheral blood mononuclear cells and platelets. |
Jacobs 2013 Abstract MiP2013 | 2013 | Jacobs R, Flück D, Bonne TC, Bürgi S, Christensen PM, Toigo M, Lundby C (2013) Improvements in exercise performance with high-intensity interval training are facilitated by an increase in skeletal muscle mitochondria content. Mitochondr Physiol Network 18.08. |
Lundby 2013 Abstract MiP2013 | 2013 | Lundby C, Bonne T, Flück D, Jacobs R, Meinild AK, Lundby S, Robach P (2013) The effects of hypoxic training on aerobic performance in normoxia and moderate hypoxia: a randomized, double blind, placebo controlled study. Mitochondr Physiol Network 18.08. |
Jacobs 2012 Abstract Bioblast | 2012 | Jacobs R, Lundby C (2012) Mitochondria express enhanced quality as well as quantity in parallel with aerobic fitness across recreationally active individuals up to elite athletes. Mitochondr Physiol Network 17.12. |
- Our two Oroboros machines function perfectly, and I have put in a grant for a third machine. - Carsten Lundby (2011)