O2k-Publications: Twin-Flow Respirometry

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O2k-Publications: Twin-Flow Respirometry

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 Was published in yearReference
Hand 2000 Thermochim Acta2000Hand SC, Podrabsky JE (2000) Bioenergetics of diapause and quiescence in aquatic animals. Thermochim. Acta 349:31-42.
Hand 1999 Calorimetry1999Hand SC (1999) Calorimetric approaches to animal physiology and bioenergetics. In Kemp RB (ed) Handbook of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry. Vol. 4: From Macromolecules to Man. Elsevier:469-510.
Gnaiger 1993 Respiratorische Therapie nach operativen Eingriffen1993Gnaiger E (1993) ZellulΓ€re und mitochondriale AdaptationsvorgΓ€nge bei Hypoxie. In: RΓΌgheimer E (ed) Respiratorische Therapie nach operativen Eingriffen. Springer 3-16.
Gnaiger 1993 Transitions1993Gnaiger E (1993) Homeostatic and microxic regulation of respiration in transitions to anaerobic metabolism. In: The vertebrate gas transport cascade: Adaptations to environment and mode of life. Bicudo JEPW (ed), CRC Press, Boca Raton, Ann Arbor, London, Tokyo:358-70.
Gnaiger 1993 Verh Dtsch Zool Ges1993Gnaiger E (1993) Adaptations to winter hypoxia in a shallow alpine lake. Ecophysiological energetics of Cyclops abyssorum and rainbow trout. Verh Dtsch Zool Ges 86:43-65.
Doeller 1993 J Exp Zool1993Doeller JE, Kraus DW, Shick JM, Gnaiger E (1993) Heat flux, oxygen flux and mitochondrial redox state as a function of oxygen availability and ciliary beat activity in isolated gills of Mytilus edulis. J Exp Zool 265:1-8.
Gnaiger 1991 Soc Exp Biol Seminar Series1991Gnaiger E (1991) Animal energetics at very low oxygen: Information from calorimetry and respirometry. In: Strategies for gas exchange and metabolism. Woakes R, Grieshaber M, Bridges CR (eds), Soc Exp Biol Seminar Series 44, Cambridge Univ Press, London:149-71.
Kaufmann 1990 JEB1990Kaufmann R (1990) Respiratory cost of swimming in larval and juvenile cyprinids. J. Exp. Biol. 150:343-66.
Shick 1990 BiolBull1990Shick JM (1990) Diffusion limitation and hyperoxic enhancement of oxygen consumption in symbiotic sea anemones, zoanthids, and corals. Biol Bull 179:148-58.
Doeller 1990 Thermochim Acta1990Doeller JE, Kraus DW, Gnaiger E, Shick JM (1990) Calorespirometry and spectrophotometry of the ciliated gill of the marine mussel Mytilus edulis. Thermochim Acta 172:171-8.
Hand 1990 J Comp Physiol B1990Hand SC (1990) Heat dissipation during long-term anoxia in Artemia franciscana embryos: Identification and fate of metabolic fuels. J Comp Physiol B 160:357-63.
Glasheen 1989 JEB1989Glasheen JS, Hand SC (1989) Metabolic heat dissipation and internal solute levels of Artemia embryos during changes in cell-associated water. J. Exp. Biol. 145:263-82.
Gnaiger 1989 Soc Exp Biol Seminar Series1989Gnaiger E, Shick JM, Widdows J (1989) Metabolic microcalorimetry and respirometry of aquatic animals. In: Techniques in comparative respiratory physiology. An experimental approach. Bridges CR, Butler PJ (eds), Soc Exp Biol Seminar Series, Cambridge Univ Press, London:113-35.
Hand 1989 Thieme1989Hand SC, Gnaiger E (1989) Metabolic arrest in Artemia embryos quantified with microcalorimetric, respirometric and biochemical measurements. In: Energy transformations in cells and organisms. Wieser W, Gnaiger E (eds), Thieme, Stuttgart:155-62.
Hand 1988 Science1988Hand SC, Gnaiger E (1988) Anaerobic dormancy quantified in Artemia embryos: A calorimetric test of the control mechanism. Science 239:1425-7.
Gnaiger 1987 Hydrobiol1987Gnaiger E, Kaufmann R, Staudigl I (1987) Physiological reactions of aquatic oligochaetes to environmental anoxia. Hydrobiol 155:155.
Gnaiger 1987 Physiol Zool1987Gnaiger E, Staudigl I (1987) Aerobic metabolism and physiological responses of aquatic oligochaetes to environmental anoxia. Heat dissipation, oxygen consumption, feeding and defecation. Physiol Zool 60:659-77.
Lampert 1986 Oecologia1986Lampert W (1986) Response of the respiratory rate of Daphnia magna to changing food conditions. Oecologia 70:495-501.
Putzer 1985 Comp Biochem Physiol1985Putzer V, Gnaiger E, Lackner R (1985) Flexibility of anaerobic metabolism in aquatic oligochaetes (Tubifex sp.). Biochemical and calorimetric changes induced by a deproteinized hydrolysate of bovine blood. Comp Biochem Physiol 82A:965-70.
Gnaiger 1983 J Exp Zool1983Gnaiger E (1983) Heat dissipation and energetic efficiency in animal anoxibiosis. Economy contra power. J Exp Zool 228:471-90. https://doi.org/10.1002/jez.1402280308
Gnaiger 1983 Sci Tools1983Gnaiger E (1983) Microcalorimetric monitoring of biological activities: Ecological and toxicological studies with aquatic animals. Sci Tools 30:21-6.

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O2k-Publications: Twin-Flow Respirometry - Abstracts

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