AT Innsbruck Burtscher M

From Bioblast


AT Innsbruck Burtscher M

Oroboros O2k-Network

O2k-Network Lab Institut fΓΌr Sportwissenschaften

Univ. Innsbruck

Address FΓΌrstenweg 185, 6020
City Innsbruck
Country Austria
Team Burtscher Martin, Gatterer Hannes, Menz Verena
Team previous Pesta Dominik
Status O2k 2011-2018
Oroboros Events MitoFit Science Camp 2016, IOC95, MiP2014, IOC79, MiP2013, Bioblast 2012, IOC66, IOC65, IOC61, IOC60, IOC56, IOC55, IOC54, IOC50


Hoppel 2021 Front Physiol2021Hoppel F, Calabria E, Pesta DH, Kantner-Rumplmair W, Gnaiger E, Burtscher M (2021) Effects of ultramarathon running on mitochondrial function of platelets and oxidative stress parameters: a pilot study. Front Physiol 12:632664.
Gatterer 2018 J Sports Sci Med2018Gatterer H, Menz V, Salazar-Martinez E, Sumbalova Z, Garcia-Souza LF, Cizmarova B, Gnaiger E, Burtscher M (2018) Exercise performance, muscle oxygen extraction and blood cell mitochondrial respiration after repeated-sprint and sprint interval training in hypoxia: a pilot study. J Sports Sci Med 17:339-347.
Pesta 2011 Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol2011Pesta D, Hoppel F, Macek C, Messner H, Faulhaber M, Kobel C, Parson W, Burtscher M, Schocke M, Gnaiger E (2011) Similar qualitative and quantitative changes of mitochondrial respiration following strength and endurance training in normoxia and hypoxia in sedentary humans. Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol 301:R1078–87.


Cizmarova 2017 MITOEAGLE Obergurgl2017
Beata Cizmarova
High-resolution respirometry and viability of cryopreserved blood cells.
Cizmarova 2017 MiP20172017
Beate Cizmarova
PBMC cryopreservation and evaluation for functional mitochondrial diagnosis.
Garcia-Souza 2017 MiP20172017
Luiz Garcia
Short-term acclimatization to moderate altitude does not affect respiration of peripheral blood mononuclear cells and platelets.
Sumbalova 2017 MiP2017 WG42017
Zuzana Sumbalova
Purity of blood cell fractions in respirometric studies: peripheral blood mononuclear cells and platelets.
Sumbalova 2017 MiP20172017
Zuzana Sumbalova
The effect of lifestyle on respiration of peripheral blood mononuclear cells and platelets.
Hoppel 2015 Abstract MiPschool London 20152015Human blood cell types as study models of mitochondrial respiration and H2O2 production.
Hoppel 2015 Abstract MiP20152015Effects of ultramarathon performance on mitochondrial respiration in human platelets.
Pesta 2011Abstract Mitochondrial Medicine-Diagnosis2011Pesta D, Wiethuechter A, Karall D, Schocke M, Gnaiger E (2011) Functional mitochondrial diagnosis in a patient suffering from sudden exercise intolerance. Abstract Mitochondrial Medicine Chicago.
Pesta 2011Abstract Mitochondrial Medicine-Training2011Pesta D, Hoppel F, Macek C, Messner H, Faulhaber M, Kobel C, Parson W, Burtscher M, Schocke M, Gnaiger E (2011) Mitochondrial improvements after strength, endurance, and intermittend hypoxic training in sedentary humans. A respiratory study on permeabilized muscle fibers. Abstract Mitochondrial Medicine Chicago.
Pesta 2011Abstract ACSM2011Pesta D, Jacobs R, Macek C, Hoppel F, Faulhaber M, Lundby C, Burtscher M, Gnaiger E, Schocke M (2011) Investigation of muscle metabolism of the quadriceps via high-resolution respirometry and 31P MRS in connection with a 10 week endurance training. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise 43: 71
Pesta 2010 MiP Abstract2010Pesta D, Faulhaber M, Burtscher M, Gnaiger E, Schocke M (2010) Investigation of muscle metabolism of the M. quadriceps via 31P MRS and high-resolution respirometry in connection with 10 weeks of strength and endurance training in normoxia and hypoxia. MiP2010.
Pesta 2010 Abstract IOC602010Pesta D, Macek C, Hoppel F, Faulhaber M, Burtscher M, Gnaiger E, Schocke M (2010) The impact of endurance training on muscle oxidative capacity. MiPNet15.10.

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